ANNOUNCEMENT+view details

MOANA Movie Premier Fundraising Activity of PAPA, November 27, 2024

News and Announcements


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This convention brings us face-to-face on issues affecting children from the XYZ generation and beyond. It is the the generation Z (born 1996) and beyond which primarily comes to fore.

Gone were the fax and analog cell phones. Here comes the bluetooth and skype. There's online gaming and world wide web.

What should pediatrician and health care providers (HCP)  do? There's a need for us to hone our skills in addressing these issues.

This convention is a MUST for those caring for children if we want to be high-impact practitioners. There's also something for the HCP if you want to expand your clinic practice.

Added features are practical tips to enhance a doctor's practice such as BIR and Philhealth concerns.


Registration Fee:    PAPA members/ Residents/Fellows - P2,000.00
                                  Non-members/ On-Site                      - P2,500.00
Contact persons:    Gay Tolentino                   0917-3768537 / 0932-8870102
                                  Dr. Mike Resurreccion      0917- 5164006

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