ANNOUNCEMENT+view details

Boosting Adolescent Immunization


Implementation Review of Interventions For Primary Health Care For Newborns, Infants and Young Children in the Philippines 2018


The child survival strategy of the Department of Health aims to address the Millennium Development Goal, particularly to reduce under-five mortality in the country to 26.7 in 1000 live births by 2015. Furthermore, it seeks to

  1. Increase the proportion of under-five children utilizing a standard package of interventions 
  2. Establish and sustain a unified response at the national and local levels to meet the demand for child survival services.

Eight essential child survival services included were

  1. Skilled attendance during pregnancy, delivery, and immediate post-partum
  2. Care of the newborn
  3. Breastfeeding and complementary feeding
  4. Micronutrient supplementation and deworming
  5. Immunization
  6. Integrated management of sick children
  7. Injury prevention and control
  8. Birth spacing. 

This child survival strategy was adopted by the DOH in 2007.  Ten years after, a review is in place to update the child survival strategy. The updated strategy will be guided by the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health 2016-2030 and based on comprehensive local assessment data. The updated strategy will look beyond child survival and expand its goals to creating a health system that allows Filipino children to Survive, Thrive, and Transform. This shall be aligned with the Philippine Development Plan and the Four-mula One Plus strategic thrusts to achieve the health and nutrition-related Sustainable Development Goals


The proposed consultancy aims to provide support to the Department of Health (DOH) in conducting an implementation review of interventions for primary health care for newborns, infants and young children in the Philippines.

Specific objectives of the engagement will be to

  1. Conduct outpatient child health, nutrition, and development practice review to determine the status of child care for children 0-3 years at 54 health facilities in Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao, using tools provided by WHO-WPRO, consisting of observations, interviews, and reviews of policies, supplies, and environments
  2. Identify key child health, nutrition, and development policy, practice, and systems strengths and gaps, and support the development of the country’s long term National Strategy for Child Health and Development 2018-2030 – Survive, Thrive and Transform, and also appropriate regional, provincial, city, and municipal health facility action plans for 2018 to further strengthen implementation and improve quality of care, and
  3. Support development of recommendations for strengthening quality of child health, nutrition, and development practice in the Philippines.


            Proposed timeline will be from 16 April 2018 to 30 June 2018.


The field implementation review will be conducted by six (6) teams composed of (two) 2 members each which will all participate in all the activities of the project.  The first member of the team will be a trained Pediatrician/Public Health who has had subspecialty training in Primary Care or Ambulatory Pediatrics.  Ambulatory Pediatrics fellowship will be advantageous because these Pediatricians will be equipped with the Out Patient and Community training as well as research and public health perspective.  The second team member will be from the allied health professions.  One of the members of each team will either be from the community or can speak the language.

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