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Boosting Adolescent Immunization


RORP - PAPA & Wyeth Project "Expansion and Sustainability of Early Literacy Promotion in the Philippines with the Reach Out and Read Model"

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PAPA proposes to promote, expand and sustain its advocacy for early literacy in pediatric training programs, and in collaboration with NGOs and government institutions (DOH, DepEd, ECCD), to reach out to other health care providers and allied professional organizations.


1] Develop audio-visual and print materials on early pediatric literacy that will be distributed to pediatric and obstetric training programs, nursing schools, community health centers, day care programs and other sites that provide services to children and families.

2] Conduct trainings and/or workshops on early literacy. 

3] Monitor and evaluate impact of trainings and workshops.


Planning and implementation of the project will be accomplished from October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019.

Schedule of Activities



10 Oct 2018

RORP team planning.

12 Oct 2018

Meeting with audio/visual production team.

17 Oct 2018

Meeting at DOH with Usec. Bayugo.

09 Nov 2018

Video shoot at Hospital of the Infant Jesus.

08 Feb 2019

Review of the training videos at HIJ.

18 Mar 2019

RORP Orientation to Q1K Coordinators in Lucena City.

28 Mar 2019

RORP team meeting – review of promotional materials; next steps

02 Apr 2019

Preparation of materials for the La Union training.

24 Apr 2019

RORP Orientation and Training for the Primary Health Care Providers at Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center (ITRMC) in Bauang, La Union.

01 Jun 2019

Preparation meeting for the Q1K RORP Orientation and Training

04 Jun 2019

RORP Orientation and Training for the Q1K Program in Lucena City.

14 Jun 2019

Preparation meeting for the Pasig City General Hospital orientation.

19 Jun 2019

Training of Primary Health Care Providers: Promoting Early Literacy in Pediatric Primary Care at Pasig City General Hospital.


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